What are the basic requirements for building a website?

  • A hosting service, (at least one, where the site is available for the rest of the world, like Amazon, iPage, BlueHost, or many more)

(Many times you register it with the same (or another hosting provider… then you configure to connect your domain with your provider hosting… setting the url associated to a folder on your hosting)

  • A bunch of HTML for send to the public.
    • When a browser asks for an URL the hosting sends (generally) the HTML to the browser
    • The HTML can be simply a file called <something>.html or a complete application that generates an HTML
      • Generally Web Languages like PHP “prints” sequence of chars in HTML that the host sends to the client that requested it.

These are the basic 3 things. There are a lot of ways to simplify / complicate that, and a lot of services to provide that in many ways.

E.g. : Free Website Builder | Create a Free Website | Wix.com

You have an online hosting service that lets you draw your site without interacting with HTML

(It’s a good alternative for simply sites.. the site you build is not “portable” … if you decide to change hosting you should build all again)

WordPress.com: Create a Free Website or Blog

Provide a website like wix that you can build your own site with a “universal” available for all tool named also “Wordpress” . It is the name of the host and it is the name of the tool … The tool is Blog Tool, Publishing Platform, and CMS – WordPress

In such case, you have to know a bit more of HTML, a bit more of PHP but most sites are built with it and you can migrate it to almost any other host in the world (included your own computer)

Another easy way… contract a hosting and copy the HTML file to them

Another alternative: Contract a “Computer” in the cloud (like Amazon, or Azure… And move all your application “that generates your HTML” there (Written in Python, PHP, JAVA or what you want)

(More about “the cloud” in

The 7 most in-demand cloud jobs
Watch it on Youtube with English Captions

It has English captions


There are many more ways… but basically what you need is a something that all the world can access (hosting (the place) URL (the address)) and generate HTML in any way (HTML static files or an app that generates HTML)

Browsers can consume other languages beyond HTML… but I think that it is not the purpose of the question to talk about that. Many websites can be done with Javascript (a language that can be run on the browser)

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